Step-by-Step on how to Install RPG Maker 2003
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Step 1:
the main editor and install it. Keep the install
path the same as what it gives you.
Click on the thumbnail to enlarge.
Download the four RTP parts. They are in .zip format
to begin with, then when unzipped there is a .rar file inside,
so you will need
Now unzip
the four RTP setup files into your Enterbrain folder.
Click the thumbnail to enlarge.
Double click the RTP setup file part 1 and unrar it. When the
Winrar screen opens, there is a .exe file inside (See thumbnail) double
click the .exe file and the RTP install screen should appear.
Install the RTP files into the Enterbrain/RPG2003 foler.
Click the
thumbnails to enlarge.
Step 4:
Open the RPG Maker 2003 editor and happy gaming.
If you have any problems with this please email me.